Grateful, blessed and delighted were three words that came to mind when I found out I was voted The Advertiser-Gleam’s Best of the Best Photographer for 2021. This may not seem like much to some of you, but for me, this is everything. This is big.
With this being said, I thought it was time to share my photography story with all of you.

On June 4th, 1995, I was born at 3:19 am.
Okay.. okay, I’m joking with y’all. I’m not starting from the very beginning, I just want to make you laugh and break the ice a little bit.

In 2018, I decided to try out photography as I have always loved taking pictures and making people feel good about themselves. I never intended for it to be a full-time thing. Don’t get me wrong, I had dreams of my business growing and it being a steady income for my family, but I never thought it would actually happen. The doubt only came from my lack of confidence and my ability to allow myself to feel inferior.
I was working as a Dental Hygienist when I realized my true love for photography. At this point, it was just a hobby. For months, I wanted to create a business page, but I had a continuous thought that people would be ashamed of me or wouldn’t think I was good enough.
“Oh Paden Allen, she graduated 7th in her class, went to college and got a degree, but she never made anything big of herself.” “What a waste.” “Why does she think she can take pictures?”
These were the things I told myself people would say about me. These were the negative thoughts that I allowed.
Until it wasn’t.

October of 2019, I attended my first workshop hosted by Amy-Cole Photography and it was the time of my life. I almost didn’t go due to being so inexperienced..
but GOD.
At the workshop, I was surrounded by creatives who encouraged me and believed in me. God knew I needed to meet Amy and everyone that was there. He knew my heart’s desire (Philippians 37:4). The Amy-Cole Workshop changed my life. It was a total boost of confidence, so I came home and made an announcement that I was now Paden Gore Photography.
Paden Gore was ready to be a -legit- photographer!

Fast forward to 2020 – the year of uncertainty, the year of tragedy and the worst year for most, but selfishly, the best year for me.
Don’t get me wrong, COVID-19 was terrible. I had friends experience loss of loved ones, many without jobs and so much negativity, but I was blessed with the best year for my business. During quarantine, my Dad and husband built me a studio. I made goals for myself. I got it in gear. I was in it to win it!!
In August of 2020, during a world wide pandemic, I was able to quit my full-time job as a Dental Hygienist and pursue my dreams of being a full-time photographer.
The dreams I never thought would come true.

Since then, God has showed out for me. I always have new opportunities and fun challenges. There’s never been a time where I regretted quitting my career, and there’s never been a month my husband and I have struggled financially. All praise goes to him!!
Being voted The Advertiser-Gleam’s Best of the Best Photographer for 2021 is such an honor. It makes the long days and nights worth it. Hard work pays off, and I’m just so grateful, blessed and delighted.
I couldn’t do it without you!!!
Thank you for voting for me for The Advertiser-Gleam’s Best of the Best Photographer for 2021!

Photographer: Paden Gore Photography